Every day, she expected too much out of life. Every day she wanted to be inspired to do her job. Whatever it is that motivated her yesterday, she lost it today.
The universe liked her. It would conspire every once in a while to give her a little happiness, a small smile. She’d make a big deal out of that and be motivated. For the day.
See, she didn’t need too much now, did she? And yet inspiration eluded her on the days that the universe had other things on its mind.
Also, it wasn’t too easy for the universe to go about looking for things to make her day, every day, however little it was.
How could it? It found little inspiration for itself. "Keeping itself going, curbing its urge to end it all" – was all it had on mind, all the time. Good thing, it does the ‘right thing to do’ day-after-day.
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